Private Medical Community
Exchange your medical knowledge only with MD doctors in a closed environment, and receive immediate consultation to resolve any complication case you might face.
We spread your vacancy to 100,000+HCPs
So you can hire the best, ... Easy ... Fast.
MedClub is a closed digital lounge, made only for healthcare professionals to:
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Exchange your medical knowledge only with MD doctors in a closed environment, and receive immediate consultation to resolve any complication case you might face.
Enroll in accredited courses from the top medical academies in your medical specialty, and get accredited certifications from the most elite medical institutions.
See live procedures performed by the experts in your specialty, from the video library. and seek the medical information you need, directly from any book in the EBooks library.
Pursue your dream career in the medical field, by applying to jobs in the job posting place.
All what you need in one place
connect with your peers worldwide and share your medical knowledge with professionals in your speciality.
Consult our verified experts immediately in a case you need help with, and receive their reply within seconds.
Enroll in MedClub Accredited courses with online and offline hands-on experience from well known world-wide institutes.
Learn all the new techniques and updates with MedClub specialized and well arranged videos library.
Browse MedClub library and download your desired book based on desired clinical specialty in a reliable and easy to access way.
Apply to the jobs you seek in any medical field, and establish the career you dream of.
Join MedClub's worldwide community, expand your professional network with worldwide experts, share your knowledge and expertise and learn the latest updates in your field via a variety of methods; accredited courses, well arranged and specialized medical videos and Ebook libraries :)
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Expand your network with our Xperts from all over the world
Scientific Speaker
Certified Trainer
Certified Trainer
R & D Consultant
Certified Trainer
Certified Trainer
Listen to what our peers have to say about using MedClub.
As a trainer and speaker for Aesthetics Medicine, I always look for the new updates and techniques. In MedClub I found all what I need from updated medical videos, journals, books to sharing cases and discussions with my peers. Definitely I recommend it to all my colleagues and students.
I was unsure about using a mobile application for medical purposes but MedClub changed my point of view as it is really easy to use and I can always share my cases and discuss it with my students and colleagues and stay updated with all the new in the field at anytime and anywhere.
I can tell you that MedClub is like a lounge for doctors, where we can have medical discussions, read books, watch medical videos and much more. It really feels like we are in a private and safe area for doctors where we can share and learn with each other.
It is a beneficial application for doctors, where they can receive consultation from the experts in their specialty directly.
It is my pleasure to be one of MedClub Xperts.
As a Professor of Dermatology I highly recommend using MedClub to all my
students and fellows.
Very useful application and fun to use, I really like the clinical cases discussions that we have
on MedClub. I also like watching the videos they are really helpful. Highly recommended.
A creative solution to physicians where they can find whatever they need from different educational materials, whatever their specialty was.
What is very unique about this application, that it is an interactive solution that presents different forms of educational content; from talks, workshops to books and many others. They can also receive support and second opinions about the complications they face on a regular basis.
It is an application made for every doctor, whatever their seniority level was. As we can find different educational features that satisfy our needs as doctors; from pieces of training, workshops, and books to getting immediate support after posting a complication.
MedClub is a closed community for physicians from every speciality, that offers scientific support and consultation to those in need. In addition to the video illustrations that present different procedures performed by numerous doctors from all over the world.
What is impressive about this application is the privacy it offers to the medical community, as the creators are really keen on keeping it closed to the doctors only. Thus, the registration process is not successfully completed until they are sure of your identity as a physician.